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The on-screen photography exhibition landed in Tianjin, and Hisense double screen TV won another wave of "fans of younger brothers and sisters"

author: The site editor  source:This original date:2019-10-21 00:00:00 page view:107

        Hisense TV and Mr. Li Shaobai, the photography master of the Forbidden City, jointly held an on-screen photography exhibition with the theme of the Palace Museum on screen in Tianjin. This is the second stop of the on-screen photography exhibition after Chengdu station, where hundreds of photography enthusiasts gather to appreciate the works of Mr. Li Shaobai, and marvel at Hisense's perfect picture quality performance and color restoration ability.


        The on-screen photography exhibition landed in Tianjin, and Hisense double screen TV won another wave of "fans of younger brothers and sisters"

        At the scene of the activity, Hisense double screen TV showed the excellent works of Mr. Li Shaobai in the invisible Forbidden City Series. Hisense double screen TV perfectly restores the Forbidden City under the lens of Mr. Li Shaobai. The contrast of 100000 level is to show every detail of the Forbidden City clearly. Compared with the traditional exhibition, the display on the screen of Hisense's stacked screen TV is more three-dimensional and real.


        Mr. Li Shaobai said that Hisense folding screen TV with excellent image restoration ability and unique professional display mode of photography is the best viewing display necessary for photographers.

        The on-screen photography exhibition landed in Tianjin, and Hisense double screen TV won another wave of "fans of younger brothers and sisters"

        The reason why such amazing products can reach a height comparable to that of professional photographic display equipment is due to the overlapping display scheme of its upper and lower panels. The upper screen restores color and details, and the lower screen precisely controls the backlight brightness, so that the stacked TV has a static contrast of 100000 levels, and creates a record of color depth. After careful adjustment by professional photographers, we have developed a Hisense folding screen TV with display index up to professional photographic display equipment.

        It is worth mentioning that at present, most of the professional monitors on the market are about 27 inches, while Hisense's multi screen TV not only accurately restores every detail and every color of the work, but also achieves 65 inches in size, which is hard to imagine. Hisense's multi screen TV is a product of years of technology, and it has set a new benchmark for TV display.

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